Antwerpen - Green Corner
Somméstraat 53
12, 19 en 26 maart - ... 2014
CEILI - 11 Mei 2014

Brussel - Maison des Ailes
Montoyerstraat 1
13, 20 en 27 maart - ... 2014

Tournai - l'Auberge de Jeunesse
Rue Saint-Martin 64

6 apr - 4 en 18 mei
2.30pm -5.30pm
9th Ceilli,  Nov 10th 2013 was a succes 

Dancers from Amsterdam,Somain, Lille, Tournai, Brussels and Köln joined the Antwerp people to dance together.

Pictures can be found at

And some nice movies on


Setdance afternoon
November 7th 2010
The Céilí was great. 5 sets om the floor (40 dancers). They came from Lille (FR), Tournai, Brussels and Amsterdam (NL) to join us.
Fantastich bal met 5 sets op de dansvloer (40 dansers). Ze kwamen uit Rijsel (FR), Doornik, Brussel en Amsterdam (NL). 
Setdance afternoon on 6 June 2010
Our céilí on Sunday afternoon from 1-5 was great. 18 dancers and 12 musicians. We will do it again...
Ons bal op zondag namiddag was goed. 18 dansers en 12 muzikanten